Parking Garages: Common Structural Issues

As parking garages are one of the most important concrete structures at any commercial or industrial location, they need proper maintenance and repair promptly whenever problems arise. The first step in making sure every parking space is safe and comfortable involves understanding common structural issues that may occur over time. When you have the ability to identify them early, you can prevent serious complications, dangerous outcomes, and excessive expense.

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50+ Years


Written By
Sal Basile

Last Updated
January 21, 2025


Cracks and Material Loss

Any cracks in a concrete parking deck or parking garage can indicate something as simple as physical damage or as potentially hazardous as a seriously damaged structure. Most concrete cracks and deterioration come from the erosive power of water. This is especially true in locations with harsh weather changes and ice and snow in the wintertime. Cracks lead to more advanced water problems that can end up rusting metal, leaching minerals out of the concrete and other materials, and weakening the entire garage structure.
Spalling or Delamination

These problems involve layers of concrete flicking away from the rest or detaching from the surface entirely. Instead of missing chunks, it comes off in thinner sheets. Concrete parking garages may experience these issues over time due to water damage or the expansion of interior steel reinforcements like rebar. If left alone and not repaired promptly, severe structural problems may occur. The weakened spaces introduce more water and wear off more quickly.

A related issue involves the appearance of white efflorescence or mineral stains on the concrete itself. These can occur on both horizontal and vertical structures within the parking garage. They indicate that water has infiltrated the structure itself and is making the concrete deteriorate.

Pooling Water

If ponds and puddles of water accumulate on the parking garage surface every time it rains, you may already have a structural problem to address. All horizontal slabs and decks should be installed to promote safe runoff of water so this does not happen. However, if pooling water occurs, it may mean that the structure is already compromised and the surface is sagging or warped in some way. This common structural issue either requires resurfacing to correct the flow or the introduction of drains and increased waterproofing maintenance.
Joint Separation

Concrete parking garages do not consist of solid decks in most cases unless they are very small. Expansion joints exist to allow temperature changes in other dynamic factors to affect the overall structure without any damage. However, if these joints fail by separating excessively, you end up with another ingress point for water. Any time erosive elements can reach the inside of the concrete or the reinforcing steel within, serious structural problems can occur.

By the time you can visually identify exposed rebar or other steel reinforcements, your parking garage has transcended the need for maintenance and requires serious repair. All the above common structural problems can lead to this eventually. However, if you want to keep maintenance and repair costs down and to ensure safety for every person who parks in the garage, address cracks, water issues, joint separation, mineralization, and spalling as soon as possible. Regularly scheduled servicing goes a long way to eliminate serious problems before they occur.

Contact TG Basile to schedule a service or review of your Parking Garage. With over 50 years of experience, we’ll inspect, properly repair, and maintain your concrete parking garage to the highest of standards.

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Salvatore Basile has served as Vice President of T.G. Basile since 2021, representing the third generation in the family business. He holds multiple safety certifications and graduated from Montclair State University. Under his leadership, the team is dedicated to maintaining a reputation for 100% customer satisfaction by providing safe, innovative, and valuable services.