Benefits of Waterproofing Your Concrete Parking Deck

Locations with considerable rainfall, groundwater, or high humidity benefit from professional services that include waterproofing of concrete parking decks and other horizontal surfaces. These flat sites are built to withstand general weathering but running or standing water and changes caused by ice and snow accumulation can lead to a lot of unsightly and costly problems over time. These benefits of waterproofing. your concrete parking deck will help you make the decision to schedule your appointment as soon as possible.

Contact TG Basile for your concrete repair or construction project today.

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50+ Years


Written By
Sal Basile

Last Updated
January 21, 2025
parking garage 1


Help Prevent Cracks and Deterioration

Water is the most insidious thing when it comes to damaging concrete or any other hard, horizontal surface. One tiny crack can grow quickly when water seeps down inside. It becomes even worse in cold weather when ice forms and pushes against the material.

Waterproofing your concrete parking deck helps eliminate these issues that may start out small but expand over time. Instead of a continuous negative affect, the water runs off the parking deck neatly and it will last much longer. At the same time, it continues to look its best as a smooth, uninterrupted surface.

Protect Adjacent Spaces and Interiors From Damage

A crack caused by water or ice, mold and mildew growth due to standing water, and leaks to nearby or lower structures can seriously affect the strength and longevity of any building or structure. Whether the concrete parking deck is elevated or adjacent to interior spaces, improper or nonexistent waterproofing opens up the floodgates of serious problems. Fixing a crack in a parking lot is simple and inexpensive when compared to a full mold eradication or structural support damage repair. Prevent all of it with waterproof services.
Improve Overall Appearance and Comfort

It does not matter if you own or manage a small string of shops, an office park, or an industrial setting. People still come every day and park their cars on the concrete deck. Making a positive first impression helps propel your business or organization into higher esteem. It also helps visitors feel better about their interaction with your company.

Keep employees safe and comfortable because they do not trip over uneven pavement or need to slog through puddles caused by improper waterproofing. It even helps prevent stains.

Save Money on Long-Term Maintenance or Replacement​

Fewer cracks, less erosion, and minimal organic growth and related deterioration saves you money over the lifetime of your concrete parking deck. Of course, concrete does not last forever especially when driven over and walked on every day. However, when you call in the professionals, like TG Basile, to treat it with high-quality waterproofing, you extend the time between installation and replacement needs. Think long-term when it comes to handling site overhead costs.

When you weigh these benefits of waterproofing your concrete parking deck, you can understand why scheduling this service regularly helps not only the overall look and feel of your site but also minimizes costs over the years. Whether you need to make a great first impression on customers or other visitors or simply want a safe parking lot for employees, proper waterproofing provides the solution.

Contact TG Basile today for a quote on preventing issues before they start by scheduling a consultation today.

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Salvatore Basile has served as Vice President of T.G. Basile since 2021, representing the third generation in the family business. He holds multiple safety certifications and graduated from Montclair State University. Under his leadership, the team is dedicated to maintaining a reputation for 100% customer satisfaction by providing safe, innovative, and valuable services.